- grav
- - gravaважный
Словарь корней и производных форм языка Эсперанто с переводом на русский язык. 2014.
Словарь корней и производных форм языка Эсперанто с переводом на русский язык. 2014.
grav — grav·a·ta; grav·el·ish; grav·el·li·ness; grav·el·ly; grav·id; grav·i·da; grav·i·grade; grav·i·met·ric; grav·ing; grav·i·tate; grav·i·tat·er; grav·i·ta·tion; grav·i·ta·tion·al; grav·i·ta·tive; grav·i·tom·e·ter; in·grav·i·date; land·grav·ess;… … English syllables
grav — GRAV, Ă, gravi, e, adj. 1. Care este extrem de important prin consecinţele neplăcute pe care le poate avea, care poate avea urmări rele; p. ext. important. ♦ (Despre boli, răni) Periculos, primejdios; care poate provoca moartea. 2. (Despre oameni … Dicționar Român
grav´id|ly — grav|id «GRAV eed», adjective. 1. = pregnant. (Cf. ↑pregnant) 2. Figurative. filled; expanded: »The prim, serious young Queen, already gravid with middle class virtue (New Yorker). ╂[< obsolete French gravide < Latin gravidus pregnant,… … Useful english dictionary
grav|id — «GRAV eed», adjective. 1. = pregnant. (Cf. ↑pregnant) 2. Figurative. filled; expanded: »The prim, serious young Queen, already gravid with middle class virtue (New Yorker). ╂[< obsolete French gravide < Latin gravidus pregnant, laden,… … Useful english dictionary
GRAV — sigla en francés del Groupe de Recherche d Art Visuel ( Grupo de Investigación de Arte Visual ). Grupo estético y artístico fundado en París durante el año 1960 por Julio Le Parc, García Rossi, Hugo Demarco, F.Morellet, Denise René, Francisco… … Wikipedia Español
grav — sb., en, e, ene, i sms. grav , fx gravskib … Dansk ordbog
grav|el|ly — «GRAV uh lee», adjective. 1. having much gravel. 2. of or like gravel: »The sediments nearest the shore are gravelly; those farther out are sandy; those still farther out are muddy (Scientific American). 3. rough; rasping; grating: »a gravelly… … Useful english dictionary
grav|el — «GRAV uhl», noun, verb, eled, el|ing or (especially British) elled, el|ling, adjective. –n. 1. pebbles and pieces of rock coarser than sand. Gravel is much used for roads and walks. 2. Medicine. a) small, hard substances formed in the bladder and … Useful english dictionary
grav|i|ti|no — «GRAV uh TEE noh», noun. a hypothetical elementary particle with a spin of 3/2, postulated in the theory of supergravity: »... the supposedly “basic” building blocks of matter…gluons that bind them inseparably, leptons, bosons and in one… … Useful english dictionary
grav|i|ty — «GRAV uh tee», noun, plural ties. 1. a) the force of attraction that acts between all objects because of their mass. Gravity causes objects to have weight. b) the natural force that makes objects move or tend to move toward each other;… … Useful english dictionary
Grav. — Grav., bei Tiernamen Abkürzung für Joh. Ludw. Karl Gravenhorst (s. d.) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon